It's Time to Ban Gas Powered Leaf Blowers
Below are several excellent links to find out more about legislation, petitions and information on the health and environmental impact gas powered leaf blowers have our community.
Click here for a link for information on Town of Yountville ordinance on gas-powered leaf blowers.
Click here for a link to the Change.org petition for City of Napa to ban gas-powered leaf blowers.
Click here for a link to the Change.org petition for City of Calistoga ban gas-powered leaf blowers.
QuietCommunities.org has an excellent PDF summary of noise/air pollution and health risks here, specifically related to COVID concerns.
Link to Sierra Club article: Lifestyle Eco-Actions: Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
Legislative Action on Leaf Blowers
AB 1346 (Berman) Air Pollution and Off-Road Engines (SOREs)
AB 1346 recognizes the need to reduce air pollutants generated by gas- and diesel-powered lawn and garden equipment. This legislation would phase out these tools beginning January 1, 2024. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) reports that small off-road engines (SOREs) such as leaf blowers, mowers, and trimmers now emit higher levels of smog compounds than passenger cars! AB 1346 would prohibit production and sales of new gas-powered SOREs and provide funding for rebate programs to purchase cleaner electric or battery-powered equipment. Click here for information on SOREs.
Part of the League’s Climate Change event on April 20, 2021 concerned information about a Napa County campaign to ban the use of loud, diesel-powered leaf blowers in its cities and towns.