Be A Voter!
Voter Information
It can be hard for busy citizens to keep up with candidates and issues during election cycles. We provide many efficient ways for you to get information and vote with confidence, from online to in-person.
Are you 16 or 17 years of age and want to pre-register to vote? We've got you covered! Point your phone's camera on the QR code which will send you to the California Online Voter Registration website where you can register to vote.

Voter & Election Resources and FAQ
Register to Vote: The deadline to register or re-register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before that election. If you submit an application after this time, your application will still be processed for future elections. Please do NOT use the online form to register or re-register to vote if you are enrolled in a confidential address program such as Safe at Home. If sharing your address could put you in life-threatening danger, you may be eligible to register to vote confidentially.
To register to vote you must complete a brief voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials' use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click "submit" at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click "print," sign the paper application, and mail it. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or when more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.
There are safe in-person early voting and Election Day options. But if you opt for in-person voting, there will be NO NEIGHBORHOOD POLLING PLACES. Instead, you can vote at in-person Vote Centers, ballot drop boxes located throughout Napa County or the Registrar of Voters’ Office at 1127 1st Street, Suite E, Napa, CA. The vote center schedules and locations are available on the County of Napa website here. Hours are: 9-5 Sat., Sun., and Mon. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Election Day. Expect to stand in line on the last day to vote.

Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, VOTE411.org is a "one-stop-shop" for election related information. It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on the following aspects of the election process:
Absentee ballot information
Ballot measure information (where applicable)
Early voting options (where applicable)
Election dates
Factual data on candidates in various federal, state and local races
General information on such topics as how to watch debates with a critical eye
ID requirements
Polling place locations
Registration deadlines
Voter qualifications
Voter registration forms
Voting machines
An important component of VOTE411.org is the polling place locator, which enables users to type in their address and retrieve the poll location for the voting precinct in which that address is located. The League has found that this is among the most sought after information in the immediate days leading up to, and on, Election Day.

Produced for statewide elections in California since 1994, the Easy Voter Guide is a collaboration of the League of Women Voters® of California Education Fund and the California State Library. This project is supported in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Sign up to receive email updates about the Easy Voter Guide Project.

Voter's Choice Napa County
Your Voice, Your Vote, Your Future
This Collection is not just a list of resources; it is a CALL TO ACTION! The young people of Gen Z are invited to explore and learn about their ability to influence "the system" with their vote. Find out what it means when you hear "Vote like your rights depend on it!" These resources can be used by teachers in the classroom or directly by students and parents. Curated by NVUSD Library Services in partnership with the League of Women Voters of Napa County.
Todo votante en el Condado de Napa puede solicitar material electoral en español para esta elección y todas las elecciones futuras. Para solicitar material en español favor de llamar al 707.253.4321 ó sin cobro (Norte del Valle y Ciudad de American Canyon) al 1.888.494.8356 ó por correo electrónico elections@countyofnapa.org ó en nuestra oficina, 900 Coombs St #256. (Estacionamiento disponible en la planta superior del garaje localizado en la calle 2 con acceso directo a nuestra oficina.)
Vote with the League
We only take positions on ballot measures based on current program positions and/or on League principles. Positions are developed based on member study and consensus. We have many positions, and many opportunities to act. Visit California Ballot Measures and the League recommendations for the 2024 election.