The 2021 California Convention
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of California
Click Here to visit the Post Convention Site where you can watch all the recorded Sessions.
Here is a little information about what happens at convention:
A caucus is an informal meeting at which discussions are held to hear ideas and opinions, compare notes, and get a better understanding of an issue, position, or project. Caucuses and meetings are usually hosted by a local League.
Hosted by LWVC, workshops are planned so attendees will learn things that help their Leagues work. They are available to delegates and nonvoting attendees.
League delegates will attend plenary sessions held from Friday to Sunday. During these sessions, business and policy decisions of the California League for the next two years will be presented and voted on, including: the future Program (issues for emphasis), a slate of nominees, a budget, and bylaws amendments. Nonvoting attendees may attend but cannot vote. The plenary sessions for 2021 were streamed live, so anyone can watch but cannot attend. Visit: for the live stream.
Each League may be represented by the number of delegates determined by their membership numbers. Delegates must be appointed by each League’s board of directors. LWV of Napa County was allowed three delegates.