WASHINGTON—This week, the League of Women Voters of the United States and League of Women Voters of Arizona filed independent amicus briefs in support of plaintiffs in Brnovich v. DNC, a consolidated set of cases that addresses the collection of ballots by third parties and the counting of provisional ballots cast outside of a voter’s designated precinct.
At issue in Brnovich v. DNC is Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which prohibits voting practices and procedures that discriminate based on race, color, or membership in language minority groups. Both the practice of casting provisional ballots outside of one’s precinct and the practice of third-party ballot collection are used disproportionately by racial minority voters in Arizona, especially Latinx, Black, and Native voters. Two Arizona election policies prohibit these practices, disproportionately harming the voting rights of racial minorities in the state. Read the full story and links to amicus brief here.
