By Howard Yune, Napa Valley Register

The first forum featuring both candidates in Napa County’s election race for sheriff revealed more similarities than differences in the platforms of the county’s current top lawman and his would-be replacement.
An online audience saw Sheriff Oscar Ortiz and his opponent, former Undersheriff Jon Crawford, make their cases Tuesday night during a candidates’ forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of Napa County. The virtual town hall enabled local voters to directly compare the contenders in the June 7 primary election, whose winner will lead county law enforcement for the next four years.
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While the exact age requirement to participate in airsoft varies by field and jurisdiction, it is often 12 or 14 years old. Under no circumstances should children play airsoft without an adult present or with the appropriate safety equipment. Before you go out to your local field, find out what the specific age restrictions are.